List of Accepted Papers

Following is the list of accepted ISIT 2020 papers, sorted by paper title. You can use the search feature of your web browser to find your paper number. Notifications to all authors have also been sent by email. If you have not received your notification of the results by email, please contact us at

Paper ID Paper Title
1635"Wireless Paint": Code Design for 3D Orientation Estimation with Backscatter Arrays
1510$O(\log \log n)$ Worst-Case Local Decoding and Update Efficiency for Data Compression
10402D Local Hamiltonian with Area Laws is QMA-Complete
1965A Better Bound Gives a Hundred Rounds: Enhanced Privacy Guarantees via f-Divergences
1935A Combinatorial View of the Service Rates of Codes Problem, its Equivalence to Fractional Matching and its Connection with Batch Codes
1662A compression perspective on secrecy measures
1303A Connection between Feedback Capacity and Kalman Filter for Colored Gaussian Noises
1824A Fair Classifier Using Mutual Information
1206A Four-Qubits Code that is a Quantum Deletion Error-Correcting Code with the Optimal Length
1985A Functional Construction of Codes for Multiple Access and Broadcast Channels
1203A Game-Theoretic Approach to Sequential Detection in Adversarial Environments
1625A General Derivative Identity for the Conditional Mean Estimator in Gaussian Noise and Some Applications
1962A Geometric View of the Service Rates of Codes Problem and its Application to the Service Rate of the First Order Reed-Muller Codes
1403A High-SNR Normal Approximation for MIMO Rayleigh Block-Fading Channels
1084A Hoeffding Inequality For Finite State Markov Chains and its Applications to Markovian Bandits
1585A Local Characterization for Wyner Common Information
1151A Low Complexity Decoding Algorithm for NB-LDPC Codes over Quadratic Extension Fields
1592A New Construction of QAM Golay Complementary Sequence Pair
1712A New Design Framework on D2D Coded Caching with Optimal Rate and Less Subpacketizations
1383A New High-Dimensional Quantum Entropic Uncertainty Relation with Applications
1119A Novel B-MAP Proxy for Greedy Sparse Signal Recovery Algorithms
1726A Novel Design of Spatially Coupled LDPC Codes for Sliding Window Decoding
1608A Polar Code Based TIN-SIC Scheme for the Unsourced Random Access in the Quasi-Static Fading MAC
1191A Tight Uniform Continuity Bound for Equivocation
1811A Two-way QKD Protocol Outperforming One-way Protocols at Low QBER
1410A Universal Data Compression Scheme based on the AIVF Coding Techniques
1097A Universal Low Complexity Compression Algorithm for Sparse Marked Graphs
1192Access Balancing in Storage Systems by Labeling Partial Steiner Systems
1293Access-optimal Linear MDS Convertible Codes for All Parameters
1535Achievability Bounds for Community Detection and Matrix Completion with Two-Sided Graph Side-Information
1987Achievability of nearly-exact alignment for correlated Gaussian databases
1873Achievable Rates for Strategic Communication
1852Active Covert Sensing
1396Active Learning for Classification with Abstention
1140Adaptive Coding for Two-Way Lossy Source-Channel Communication
1252Adaptive Procedures for Discriminating Between Arbitrary Tensor-Product Quantum States
1519Additivity in Classical-Quantum Wiretap Channels
1941Age of Information in Random Access Channels
1382Age of Information in Uncoordinated Unslotted Updating
1680Age-of-Information Revisited: Two-way Delay and Distribution-oblivious Online Algorithm
1997Aggregate Message Authentication Codes with Detecting Functionality from Biorthogonal Codes
1318An Achievable Region for the Multiple Access Wiretap Channels with Confidential and Open Messages
1067An Alphabet-Size Bound for the Information Bottleneck Function
1360An Efficient Algorithm for Designing Optimal CRCs for Tail-Biting Convolutional Codes
1614An Efficient Neural Network Architecture for Rate Maximization in Energy Harvesting Downlink Channels
1797An Efficient Running Quantile Estimation Technique alongside Correntropy for Outlier Rejection in Online Regression
1971An Explicit Formula for the Zero-Error Feedback Capacity of a Class of Finite-State Additive Noise Channels
1316An Ideal Secret Sharing Scheme Realizing an Access Structure Based on a Finite Projective Plane of Order 3
1788An Improved Regret Bound for Thompson Sampling in the Gaussian Linear Bandit Setting
1481An Information-Theoretic Proof of the Streaming Switching Lemma for Symmetric Encryption
1345An Optimal Linear Error Correcting Scheme for Shared Caching with Small Cache Sizes
1658An Upper Bound on the Capacity-Memory Tradeoff of Interleavable Discrete Memoryless Broadcast Channels with Uncoded Prefetching
1471Analog Subspace Coding: A New Approach to Coding for Non-Coherent Wireless Networks
1791Analysis of Absorbing Sets using Cosets and Syndromes
1291Analysis of K Nearest Neighbor KL Divergence Estimation for Continuous Distributions
1947Analytic Study of Double Descent in Binary Classification: The Impact of Loss
1409AoI Minimization in Broadcast Channels with Channel State Information
1165Approaching Capacity Without Pilots via Nonlinear Processing at the Edge
1886Approximate Gács-Körner Common Information
1424Approximate Recovery Of Ising Models with Side Information
1259Arbitrarily Varying Wiretap Channels with Non-Causal Side Information at the Jammer
1131Array Codes for Functional PIR and Batch Codes
1249Asymptotic Absorbing Set Enumerators for Non-Binary Protograph-Based LDPC Code Ensembles
1378Asymptotically Optimal Scheduling Policy For Minimizing The Age of Information
1722Asymptotically Scale-invariant Multi-resolution Quantization
1821Asymptotics of Quickest Change Detection with an Energy Harvesting Sensor
1545Asynchronous Polar-Coded Modulation
1619Authentication with Mildly Myopic Adversaries
1488Average Age of Information for a Multi-Source M/M/1 Queueing Model With Packet Management
1025Bee-Identification Error Exponent with Absentee Bees
1579Best Relay Selection in Gaussian Half-Duplex Diamond Networks
1055Beyond Max-SNR: Joint Encoding for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces
1574Binary Hypothesis Testing with Deterministic Finite-Memory Decision Rules
1484Binary Subblock Energy-Constrained Codes: Knuth’s Balancing and Sequence Replacement Techniques
1086Biometric and Physical Identifiers with Correlated Noise for Controllable Private Authentication
1885Bivariate Polynomial Coding for Straggler Exploitation with Heterogeneous Workers
1189Bounding the Achievable Region of Sparse NOMA
1514Bounds for the capacity error function for unidirectional channels with noiseless feedback
1358Bounds on Permutation Channel Capacity
1958Broadcasting on trees near criticality
1256Bursty Wireless Networks of Bounded Capacity
1802Cache-aided Multiuser Private Information Retrieval
1398Cache-Aided Scalar Linear Function Retrieval
1267Capacity Bounds for Amplitude-Constrained AWGN MIMO Channels with Fading
1413Capacity Bounds for Communication Systems with Quantization and Spectral Constraints
1639Capacity of Continuous Channels with Memory via Directed Information Neural Estimator
1205Capacity of Line-of-Sight MIMO Channels
1689Capacity of Multicarrier Faster-than-Nyquist Signaling
1659Capacity of Quantum Private Information Retrieval with Colluding Servers
1503Capacity per Unit-Energy of Gaussian Random Many-Access Channels
1859Capacity Region of the Gaussian Arbitrarily-Varying Broadcast Channel
1931Capacity-achieving Polar-based LDGM Codes with Crowdsourcing Applications
1938Channel Models, Favorable Propagation and Multi-Stage Linear Detection in Cell-Free Massive MIMO
1404Characterization of Conditional Independence and Weak Realizations of Multivariate Gaussian Random Variables: Applications to Networks
1454Characterizing the Bethe Partition Function of Double-Edge Factor Graphs via Graph Covers
1264Classical Coding Problem from Transversal T Gates
1942Classical Mechanism is Optimal in Classical-Quantum Differentially Private Mechanisms
1146Clustering piecewise stationary processes
1194Coded Computation Against Straggling Channel Decoders in the Cloud for Gaussian Channels
1539Coded Computing in Unknown Environment via Online Learning
1858Coded Data Rebalancing: Fundamental Limits and Constructions
1803Coded QR Decomposition
1621Codes Correcting Synchronization Errors for Symbol-Pair Read Channels
1109Codes over Trees
1893Coding for Efficient DNA Synthesis
1281Coding for Optimized Writing Rate in DNA Storage
1113Coding for Sequence Reconstruction for Single Edits
1108CodNN – Robust Neural Networks From Coded Classification
1288Coherent Quantum Channel Discrimination
1672Communication Efficient and Byzantine Tolerant Distributed Learning
1701Communication Efficient Distributed Approximate Newton Method
1136Communication Efficient Secret Sharing in the Presence of Malicious Adversary
1101Communication over Quantum Channels with Parameter Estimation
1861Communication-Efficient Gradient Coding for Straggler Mitigation in Distributed Learning
1746Community Detection with Secondary Latent Variables
1787Comparison of Information Structures for Zero-Sum Games in Standard Borel Spaces
1434Complete Characterization of Optimal LRCs with Minimum Distance 6 and Locality 2: Improved Bounds and Constructions
1876Complexity of Estimating R´enyi Entropy of Markov Chains
1392Computability of the Zero-Error capacity with Kolmogorov Oracle
1098Computable Lower Bounds for Capacities of Input-Driven Finite-State Channels
1598Computational Code-Based Single-Server Private Information Retrieval
1652Computing the Partition Function of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick Model is Hard on Average
1130Concave Aspects of Submodular Functions
1279Conditional Disclosure of Secrets: A Noise and Signal Alignment Approach
1428Constrained Functional Value under General Convexity Conditions with Applications to Distributed Simulation
1540Construction of Rate (n-1)/n Non-Binary LDPC Convolutional Codes via Difference Triangle Sets
1636Constructions of Complex Codebooks Asymptotically Meeting the Welch Bound: A Graph Theoretic Approach
1661Constructions of Nonequivalent Fp-Additive Generalised Hadamard Codes
1967Constructions of Two-Dimensional Golay Complementary Array Pairs Based on Generalized Boolean Functions
1737Continuity of Generalized Entropy
1896Cost of Guessing: Applications to Data Repair
1138Covering Codes for Insertions and Deletions
1251CRC-Aided Belief Propagation List Decoding of Polar Codes
1107Cross Z-Complementary Pairs (CZCPs) for Optimal Training in Broadband Spatial Modulation Systems
1210Crowdsourced Classification with XOR Queries: An Algorithm with Optimal Sample Complexity
1645Cyclic LRC codes with hierarchy and availability
1433Data Deduplication with Random Substitutions
1772Data Freshness in Leader-Based Replicated Storage
1091Data-Driven Ensembles for Deep and Hard-Decision Hybrid Decoding
1604Data-Driven Factor Graphs for Deep Symbol Detection
1557Data-Driven Representations for Testing Independence: A Connection with Mutual Information Estimation
1299Decentralized sequential active hypothesis testing and the MAC feedback capacity
1589Decoding Reed–Muller Codes Using Redundant Code Constraints
1368Delay-Optimal Coding for Secure Transmission over Parallel Burst Erasure Channels with an Eavesdropper
1648Detecting an Odd Restless Markov Arm with a Trembling Hand
1647Diamond Message Set Groupcasting: From an Achievable Rate Region for the DM Broadcast Channel to the Capacity of the Combination Network
1219Discrete Optimal Reconstruction Distributions for Itakura-Saito Distortion Measure
1897Discrete Water Filling Multi-Path Packet Scheduling
1516Distributed Secure Storage: Rate-Privacy Trade-Off and XOR-Based Coding Scheme
1759Distributed State Estimation with Bounded Errors over Multiple Access Channels
1260Distribution of the Minimal Distance of Random Linear Codes
1615Distribution Privacy Under Function Recoverability
1070DoF Analysis for Multipath-Assisted Imaging: Single Frequency Illumination
1272DoF Region of the Decentralized MIMO Broadcast Channel—How many informed antennas do we need?
1096Duplication with transposition distance to the root for q-ary strings
1033Efficient Algorithm for the Linear Complexity of Sequences and Some Related Consequences
1088Efficient Estimation of a Sparse Delay-Doppler Channel
1431Efficient Maximum-Likelihood Decoding of Reed-Muller RM(m-3,m) Codes
1980Eliminating Pairing Loss for Coded Caching with Three Erasure-Coded Servers
1276Embedding Information in Radiation Pattern Fluctuations
1365Empirical Properties of Good Channel Codes
1734Entangled Polynomial Codes for Secure, Private, and Batch Distributed Matrix Multiplication: Breaking the ''Cubic'' Barrier
1123Entanglement-Assisted Data Transmission as an Enabling Technology: A Link-Layer Perspective
1072Entropy of a Quantum Channel: Definition, Properties, and Application
1406Entropy property testing with finitely many errors
1473Equivalence of ML decoding to a continuous optimization problem
1875Error Detection and Correction in Communication Networks
1477Error Rate Analysis for Random Linear Streaming Codes in the Finite Memory Length Regime
1423Error-correcting Codes for Short Tandem Duplication and Substitution Errors
1567Estimation of Modal Decompositions
1099Evaluation of Error Probability of Classification Based on the Analysis of the Bayes Code
1953Evasive Active Hypothesis Testing
1037Exact Expressions in Source and Channel Coding Problems Using Integral Representations
1375Explicit and Efficient Constructions of Coding Schemes for the Binary Deletion Channel
1207Explicit Construction of Multiple Access Channel Resolvability Codes from Source Resolvability Codes
2004Explicit Renyi Entropy for Hidden Markov Models
1152Exploring Unique Relevance for Mutual Information based Feature Selection
1372Exponentially Fast Concentration of Vector Approximate Message Passing to its State Evolution
1816Extending the Optimality Range of Multi-Antenna Coded Caching with Shared Caches
1904Factored LT and Factored Raptor Codes for Large-Scale Distributed Matrix Multiplication
1969Fast Compressive Large-Scale Matrix-Matrix Multiplication Using Product Codes
1485Fast Soft Decision Decoding of Linear Block Codes Using Partial Syndrome Search
1949Federated Recommendation System via Differential Privacy
1810Feedback Capacity of Finite-State Channels with Causal State Known at the Encoder
1593Feedback Channel Communication with Low Precision Arithmetic
1657Fidelity of Finite Length Quantum Codes in Qubit Erasure Channel
1393Finite Key Analysis of the Extended B92 Protocol
1702Finite-Blocklength and Error-Exponent Analyses for LDPC Codes in Point-to-Point and Multiple Access Communication
1015Finite-Blocklength Performance of Sequential Transmission over BSC with Noiseless Feedback
1631From Feedback Capacity to Tight Achievable Rates without Feedback for AGN Channels with Stable and Unstable Autoregressive Noise
1725Functional Error Correction for Reliable Neural Networks
1104Fundamental limitations on secret key agreement over a quantum network
1229Fundamental Limits of Age-of-Information in Stationary and Non-stationary Environments
1877Fundamental limits of distributed encoding
1995Fundamental limits of distributed tracking
1676Fundamental Limits of Wireless Caching Under Mixed Cacheable and Uncacheable Traffic
1708Gaussian 1-2-1 Networks with Imperfect Beamforming
1459Gaussian Multiple and Random Access in the Finite Blocklength Regime
1711Gaussian Multiterminal Source-Coding with Markovity: An Efficiently-Computable Outer Bound
1715GCSA Codes with Noise Alignment for Secure Coded Multi-Party Batch Matrix Multiplication
1102General Mixed State Quantum Data Compression with and without Entanglement Assistance
1325Generalization Error Bounds via the Central Moments and Tail of the Information Density
1783Generalized LDPC Codes with Convolutional Code Constraints
1649Generic Decoding in the Sum-Rank Metric
2002Graceful degradation over the BEC via non-linear codes
1263Grassmannian Frames in Composite Dimensions by Exponentiating Quadratic Forms
1095Gray-Wyner and Slepian-Wolf Guessing
1384Group Testing with Runlength Constraints for Topological Molecular Storage
1952Guesswork with Quantum Side Information: Optimal Strategies and Aspects of Security
1940Hardness of Successive-Cancellation Decoding of Linear Codes
1682Heterogeneous Computation Assignments in Coded Elastic Computing
1377Heterogeneous Distributed Computation
1950Hiding Identities: Estimation Under Local Differential Privacy
1628Hierarchical Coded Gradient Aggregation for Learning at the Edge
1370High-dimensional rank-one nonsymmetric matrix decomposition: the spherical case
1784How else can we define Information Flow in Neural Circuits?
1612Hypergraph-based Coding Schemes for Two Source Coding Problems under Maximal Distortion
1356Hypothesis Testing Against Independence Under Gaussian Noise
1502Improved Achievable Regions in Networked Scalable Coding Problems
1435Improved Belief Propagation List Decoding for Polar Codes
1464Improved Computation-Communication Trade-Off for Coded Distributed Computing using Linear Dependence of Intermediate Values
1090Improved efficiency for explicit covering codes matching the sphere-covering bound
1532Improved non-adaptive algorithms for threshold group testing with a gap
1198Incremental ADMM with Privacy-Preservation for Decentralized Consensus Optimization
1531Infinite-fold enhancement in communications capacity using pre-shared entanglement
1934Information Constrained Optimal Transport: From Talagrand, to Marton, to Cover
1122Information-Energy Capacity Region for SWIPT Systems with Power Amplifier Nonlinearity
1128Information-theoretic analysis for transfer learning
1690Information-theoretic limits of a multiview low-rank symmetric spiked matrix model
1417Interference Management without CSIT: A Broadcast Approach
1804Interleaved Block Coding for Achieving Gaussian Random Access Channel Capacity
1163Isomorphism Problem Revisited: Information Spectrum Approach
1414Iterative Decoding of Non-Binary Cyclic Codes Using Minimum-Weight Dual Codewords
1075k-Connectivity in Random Graphs induced by Pairwise Key Predistribution Schemes
1313Keyless Covert Communication in the Presence of Channel State Information
1314Latent Factor Analysis of Gaussian Distributions under Graphical Constraints
1632Latent-variable Private Information Retrieval
1887Lattice Construction C* built from Self-Dual Codes
1793Learned Scheduling of LDPC Decoders Based on Multi-armed Bandits
1364Learning a Neural-Network Controller for a Multiplicative Observation Noise System
1582Learning Additive Noise Channels: Generalization Bounds and Algorithms
1447Learning Representations by Maximizing Mutual Information in Variational Autoencoders
1822Lifted Reed-Solomon Codes with Application to Batch Codes
1114Limit Distribution for Smooth Total Variation and 𝛘²-Divergence in High Dimensions
1506Limits on Gradient Compression for Stochastic Optmization
1719Linear and Range Counting under Metric-based Local Differential Privacy
1898Linear Models are Most Favorable among Generalized Linear Models
1492Linear Network Error Correction Coding Revisited
1624Linear programming bounds for quantum amplitude damping codes
1440Linear-Time Erasure List-Decoding of Expander Codes
1085List Decoding for Oblivious Arbitrarily Varying MACs: Constrained and Gaussian
1911List decoding of Arikan's PAC codes
1236List Decoding of Universal Polar Codes
1789Local Re-encoding for Coded Matrix Multiplication
1080Locally Balanced Constraints
1150Lossless Data Compression with Side Information: Nonasymptotics and Dispersion
1118Lossy coding of a time-limited piece of a band-limited white Gaussian source
1842Low Complexity Algorithms for Transmission of Short Blocks over the BSC with Full Feedback
1954Low Complexity Distributed Computing via Binary Matrices with Extension to Stragglers
1418Low-Complexity Chase Decoding of Reed-Solomon Codes with Module Minimization
1371Low-Rank Parity-Check Codes over the Ring of Integers Modulo a Prime Power
1227Macroscopic Analysis of Vector Approximate Message Passing in a Model Mismatch Setting
1376Mass Error-Correction Codes for Polymer-Based Data Storage
1681Max-affine Regression with Universal Parameter Estimation for Small-ball Designs
1220Maximum Length of Robust Positioning Sequences
1258Maximum Likelihood Decoding for Channels with Uniform Noise and Signal Dependent Offset
1901Measurement Dependent Noisy Search with Stochastic Coefficients
1675Mechanisms for Hiding Sensitive Genotypes with Information-Theoretic Privacy
1173Message Flow Analysis in Practical LDPC Decoders for the Interpretation of Absorbing Set Thresholds
1814Message-Passing Based Channel Estimation for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Assisted MIMO
1983Minimax Lower Bounds for Circular Source Localization
1968Minimax Prediction in Tree Ising Models
1544Minimizing Age of Information via Hybrid NOMA/OMA
1568Minimizing the alphabet size of erasure codes with restricted decoding sets
1561Minimum Feedback for Collision-Free Scheduling in Massive Random Access
1174Minimum Storage Rack-Aware Regenerating Codes with Exact Repair and Small Sub-Packetization
1139Min-rank of Embedded Index Coding Problems
1834Missing Mass of Markov Chains
1132Mobility-Assisted Covert Communication over Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
1963Model Projection: Theory and Applications to Fair Machine Learning
1287Modulated Sparse Regression Codes
1944Multi-Cast Channels with Hierarchical Flow
1184Multi-Cell Mobile Edge Coded Computing: Trading Communication and Computing for Distributed Matrix Multiplication
2000Multi-Label and Concatenated Neural Block Decoders
1029Multi-layer Interference Alignment and GDoF of the K-User Asymmetric Interference Channel
1193Multi-Product Dynamic Pricing in High-Dimensions with Heterogenous Price Sensitivity
1785Multislot and Multistream Quickest Change Detection in Statistically Periodic Processes
1543Multi-User Distillation of Common Randomness and Entanglement from Quantum States
1216Near-Optimal Sparse Adaptive Group Testing
1518Network Coding Based on Byte-wise Circular Shift and Integer Addition
1511Network Information Theoretic Security
1777New Formulas of Ergodic Feedback Capacity of AGN Channels Driven by Stable and Unstable Autoregressive Noise
1594New Optimal Sets of Perfect Polyphase Sequences Based on Circular Florentine Arrays
1306New Outer Bounds for the Two-Receiver Broadcast Channel
1839Noise Recycling
1021Noisy Guesses
1899Noisy In-Memory Recursive Computation with Memristor Crossbars
1918Non-Uniform Windowed Decoding For Multi-Dimensional Spatially-Coupled LDPC Codes
1400Novel Converse for Device-to-Device Demand-Private Caching with a Trusted Server
1655Numerically Stable Binary Gradient Coding
1748Observational Learning with Fake Agents
1427On a redundancy of AIFV-m codes for m=3,5
1334On Approximate Message Passing for Unsourced Access with Coded Compressed Sensing
1204On Binary Statistical Classification from Mismatched Empirically Observed Statistics
1656On Byzantine-Resilient High-Dimensional Stochastic Gradient Descent
1577On D-ary Fano Codes
1170On Discrete Signaling and Treating Interference as Noise for Complex Gaussian Interference Channels
1677On Effective Stochastic Mechanisms for On-The-Fly Codebook Regeneration
1626On Learning Parametric Non-Smooth Continuous Distributions
1792On MIMO Gaussian Wiretap Channels with Optimal Energy Harvesting
1599On Nonparametric Estimation of the Fisher Information
1233On Optimal Locally Repairable Codes and Generalized Sector-Disk Codes
1878On Optimal Multi-user Beam Alignment in Millimeter Wave Wireless Systems
1415On optimal weighted-sum rates for the modulo sum problem
1144On parity-preserving variable-length constrained coding
1129On Secrecy Key of a class of Secure Asymmetric Multilevel Diversity Coding System
1320On the 2-Adic Complexity of A Class of Binary Sequences of Period 4p with Optimal Autocorrelation Magnitude
1553On the Advantage of Irreversible Processes in Single-System Games
1910On the alpha-loss Landscape in the Logistic Model
1166On the AND-OR Interference Channel and the Sandglass Conjecture
1975On the Broadcast Channel with Non-Distinct Message Demands and Symmetric Side Information
1556On the Capacity of Deletion Channels with States
1039On The Capacity of Gaussian MIMO Channels Under Interference Constraints
1854On the Capacity of Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided MIMO Communication
1616On the Compressibility of Affinely Singular Random Vectors
1651On the decoding of Barnes-Wall lattices
1332On the Discussion Rate Region for the PIN Model
1957On the Error Exponent of Approximate Sufficient Statistics for M-ary Hypothesis Testing
1169On the Exact Lower Bounds of Encoding Circuit Sizes of Hamming Codes and Hadamard Codes
1255On the Gap between Scalar and Vector Solutions of Generalized Combination Networks
1082On the Information Leakage in Private Information Retrieval Systems
1684On the Memory Requirements of Block Interleaver for Batched Network Codes
1195On the number of factorizations of polynomials over finite fields
1217On the Optimality of Two Decentralized Coded Caching Schemes With and Without Error Correction
1234On the Partition Bound for Undirected Unicast Network Information Capacity
1125On the Randomized Babai Point
1916On the Rényi Entropy of Log-Concave Sequences
1929On the Sample Complexity and Optimization Landscape for Quadratic Feasibility Problems
1733On the Sample Complexity of Estimating Small Singular Modes
1254On the Second- and Third-Order Asymptotics of Smooth Rényi Entropy and Their Applications
1061On the Storage Cost of Private Information Retrieval
1224On the structure of certain non-convex functionals and the Gaussian Z-interference channel
1869On the Trackability of Stochastic Processes Based on Side Information
1312On Top-k Selection from m-wise Partial Rankings via Borda Counting
1196One shot approach to lossy source coding under average distortion constraints
1704One-Shot Trade-Off Bounds for State Redistribution of Classical-Quantum Sources
1475Online Estimation and Adaptation for Random Access with Successive Interference Cancellation
1261Online Memorization of Random Firing Sequences by a Recurrent Neural Network
1832Online Message Passing-based Inference in the Hierarchical Gaussian Filter
1031Online Variational Message Passing in Hierarchical Autoregressive Models
1993Online Versus Offline Rate in Streaming Codes for Variable-Size Messages
1629Optimal Causal Rate-Constrained Sampling for a Class of Continuous Markov Processes
1668Optimal Codes Correcting a Burst of Deletions of Variable Length
1618Optimal Codes for the q-ary Deletion Channel
1700Optimal Learning of Joint Alignments with a Faulty Oracle
1242Optimal Locally Repairable Constacyclic Codes of Prime Power Lengths
1808Optimal Multistage Group Testing Algorithm for 3 Defectives
1714Optimal Restricted Isometry Condition for Exact Sparse Recovery with Orthogonal Least Squares
1221Optimal Selective Encoding for Timely Updates with Empty Symbol
1799Optimal Systematic t-Deletion Correcting Codes
1308Optimal Two-Stage Bayesian Sequential Change Diagnosis
1718Optimality of Least-squares for Classification in Gaussian-Mixture Models
1671Optimality of Treating Inter-Cell Interference as Noise Under Finite Precision CSIT
1116Optimizing the Transition Waste in Coded Elastic Computing
1408Optimizing the Write Fidelity of MRAMs
1302Optimum Source Resolvability Rate with Respect to f-Divergences Using the Smooth Renyi Entropy
1744Partial MDS Codes with Local Regeneration
1405Partial Updates: Losing Information for Freshness
1501Partially Information Coupled Duo-Binary Turbo Codes
1533Pattern-Based Analysis of Time Series: Estimation
1439Perfect LRCs and k-Optimal LRCs
1638Performance of Gaussian encodings for classical communication on correlated quantum phase-noise channels
1154Permutation Enhances Classical Communication Assisted by Entangled States
1333Poisson channel with binary Markov input and average sojourn time constraint
1214Polar Codes with Balanced Codewords
1741Polar Coding for the Wiretap Broadcast Channel with Multiple Messages
1366Polarization in Attraction-Repulsion Models
1915PolyShard: Coded Sharding Achieves Linearly Scaling Efficiency and Security Simultaneously
1634Privacy Amplification of Iterative Algorithms via Contraction Coefficients
1992Privacy-Utility Tradeoff in a Guessing Framework Inspired by Index Coding
1664Private Computation with Individual and Joint Privacy
1735Private Function Computation
1522Private Information Retrieval Over Gaussian MAC
1304Private Set Intersection Using Multi-Message Symmetric Private Information Retrieval
1678Private Two-Terminal Hypothesis Testing
1906Product Lagrange Coded Computing
1549Proof of Convergence for Correct-Decoding Exponent Computation
1641Provable Efficient Skeleton Learning of Encodable Discrete Bayes Nets in Poly-Time and Sample Complexity
1528Pruning Neural Belief Propagation Decoders
1202Q-ary Asymmetric LOCO Codes: Constrained Codes Supporting Flash Evolution
1956Quadratic Privacy-Signaling Games and Payoff Dominant Equilibria
1181Quadratically Constrained Two-way Adversarial Channels
1178Quantification of Unextendible Entanglement and Its Applications in Entanglement Distillation
1529Quantized Corrupted Sensing with Random Dithering
1133Quantum Advantage via Qubit Belief-Propagation
1038Quantum Blahut-Arimoto Algorithms
1580Quantum Private Information Retrieval from MDS-coded and Colluding Servers
1601Quantum State Redistribution for Ensemble Sources
1329Queue-Aware Beam Scheduling for Half-Duplex mmWave Relay Networks
1494Quickest Detection of a Dynamic Anomaly in a Heterogeneous Sensor Network
1158Rank Preserving Code-based Signature
1786Rate–Diversity Optimal Multiblock Space–Time Codes via Sum-Rank Codes
1145Reconfigurable Surface Assisted Multi-User Opportunistic Beamforming
1688Reconstruction of Multi-user Binary Subspace Chirps
1028Reconstruction of Strings from their Substrings Spectrum
1774Recovering Structure of Noisy Data through Hypothesis Testing
1032Recovery Sets for Subspaces from a Vector Space
1369Recursive Trellis Decoding Techniques of Polar Codes
1610Refined Strong Converse for the Constant Composition Codes
1769Registration of Finite Resolution Images: a Second-order Analysis
1248Reinforcement Learning with Neural Networks for Quantum Multiple Hypothesis Testing
1881Reliable Distributed Clustering with Redundant Data Assignment
1257Remote Joint Strong Coordination and Reliable Communication
1674Rényi Bounds on Information Combining
1245Rényi Divergence rates of Ergodic Markov Chains: existence, explicit expressions and properties
1830Rényi Entropy Bounds on the Active Learning Cost-Performance Tradeoff
1390Repair of RS codes with optimal access and error correction
1043Resolution Limits of Non-Adaptive Querying for Noisy 20 Questions Estimation
1627Resolvability of the Multiple Access Channel with Two-Sided Cooperation
1919Resource Allocation in Low Density Spreading Uplink NOMA via Asymptotic Analysis
1587Revisiting Zero-Rate Bounds on the Reliability Function of Discrete Memoryless Channels
1900Robust Gaussian Joint Source-Channel Coding Under the Near-Zero Bandwidth Regime
1630Robust Generalization via f-Mutual Information
1607Robust Indexing - Optimal Codes for DNA Storage
1044Scalable source coding with causal side information and a causal helper
1917Second-Order Achievable Rates for a Block Fading Gaussian Multiple Access Channel
1695Second-Order Asymptotically Optimal Change-point Detection Algorithm with Sampling Control
1344Second-order asymptotics of quantum data compression from partially-smoothed conditional entropy
1548Second-Order Asymptotics of Sequential Hypothesis Testing
1065Secret Key Generation From Vector Gaussian Sources With Public and Private Communications
1588Secret sharing schemes based on nonlinear codes
1412Secure Communications with Limited Common Randomness at Transmitters
1504Secure Computation to Hide Functions of Inputs
1394Secure Decentralized Pliable Index Coding
1994Secure Determinant Codes: Type-II Security
1666Secure GDoF of the Z-channel with Finite Precision CSIT: How Robust are Structured Codes?
1381Secure Information Exchange for Omniscience
1945Secure Network and Index Coding Equivalence: The Last Piece of the Puzzle
1355Secure Node Repair of Reed-Solomon Codes
1019Semantic Security for Quantum Wiretap Channels
1262Sequence Obfuscation to Thwart Pattern Matching Attacks
1979Sequential anomaly detection with observation control under a generalized error metric
1622Sequential detection and isolation of a correlated pair
1317Sequential Hypothesis Criterion Based Optimal Caching Schemes in Wireless Networks
1285Simplified Successive Cancellation Decoding of Polar Codes Has Sublinear Latency
1845Single-Deletion Single-Substitution Correcting Codes
1679Single-Server Multi-message Private Information Retrieval with Side Information: the General Cases
1047Social Learning with Beliefs in a Parallel Network
1687Some Performance Guarantees of Global LASSO with Local Assumptions for Convolutional Sparse Design Matrices
1350Some results on convolution idempotents
1524Some Results on the Vector Gaussian Hypothesis Testing Problem
1977Sparse Activity Detection in Cell-Free Massive MIMO systems
1665Spatially Coupled Codes with Sub-Block Locality: Joint Finite Length-Asymptotic Design Approach
1747Stabilizing Dynamical Systems with Fixed-Rate Feedback using Constrained Quantizers
1840Staggered Diagonal Embedding Based Linear Field Size Streaming Codes
1277Stealth Communication with Vanishing Power over Binary Symmetric Channels
1764Stochastic Bottleneck: Rateless Auto-Encoder for Flexible Dimensionality Reduction
1866Straggler-free Coding for Concurrent Matrix Multiplications
1600Streaming Erasure Codes over Multi-hop Relay Network
1720Strong Asymptotic Composition Theorems for Sibson Mutual Information
1860Strong Converse Bounds in Quantum Network Information Theory
1469Strong Converse for the State Dependent Channel
1323Strong Coordination with Side Information
1670Strongly Explicit and Efficiently Decodable Probabilistic Group Testing
1836Structural Properties of Nonanticipatory Epsilon Entropy of Multivariate Gaussian Sources
1709Structure of Optimal Quantizer for Binary-Input Continuous-Output Channels with Output Constraints
1290Structured Quasi-Gray labelling for Reed-Muller Grassmannian Constellations
1871Successive Cancellation Inactivation Decoding for Modified Reed-Muller and eBCH Codes
1805Successive Refinement to Caching for Dynamic Requests
1750Support Constrained Generator Matrices of Gabidulin Codes in Characteristic Zero
1966Symbolwise MAP Estimation for Multiple-Trace Insertion/Deletion/Substitution Channels
1493Symmetrizability for Myopic AVCs
1623Syndrome Compression for Optimal Redundancy Codes
1159Tangential-Sphere Bound Revisited
1489Temporal Ordered Clustering in Dynamic Networks
1905Testing for Anomalies: Active Strategies and Non-asymptotic Analysis
1955Tetrahedral Coding and Non-Unitary Resilience in Polarization-Multiplexed Lightwave Transmissions
1034The Arbitrarily Varying Channel with Colored Gaussian Noise
1093The Asymptotic Generalized Poor-Verdú Bound Achieves the BSC Error Exponent at Zero Rate
1340The Capacity of Multidimensional Permutations with Restricted Movement
1445The Capacity of Private Information Retrieval Under Arbitrary Collusion Patterns
1534The Capacity of Single-Server Weakly-Private Information Retrieval
1555The Communication-Aware Clustered Federated Learning Problem
1770The Courtade-Kumar Most Informative Boolean Function Conjecture and a Symmetrized Li-Médard Conjecture are Equivalent
1705The Error Probability of Maximum-Likelihood Decoding over Two Deletion Channels
1283The Fading Gaussian Broadcast Channel with Channel State Information and Output Feedback
1164The Langberg-Medard Multiple Unicast Conjecture: Stable 3-Pair Networks
1284The Minimum Upload Cost of Symmetric Private Information Retrieval
1117The Numbers of De Bruijn Sequences in Extremal Weight Classes
1292The Power of Graph Convolutional Networks to Distinguish Random Graph Models
1247Thermodynamically Stable DNA Code Design using a Similarity Significance Model
1335Time-Frequency Division Multiple Access and the TFDMA Ad Hoc Network Based on the (n, n(n-1), n-1) Permutation Group Codes
1717Timely Estimation Using Coded Quantized Samples
1111Timely Status Updating Through Intermittent Sensing and Transmission
1699Topology-Aware Cooperative Data Protection in Blockchain-Based Decentralized Storage Networks
1179Toward Optimality in Both Repair and Update via Generic MDS Code Transformation
1633Tracking an Auto-Regressive Process with Limited Communication
1180Treating Interference as Noise is Optimal for Covert Communication over Interference Channels
1669Trimming Decoding of Color Codes over the Quantum Erasure Channel
1613Twisted-Pair Superposition Transmission for Low Latency Communications
1779Two-Sample Testing on Pairwise Comparison Data and the Role of Modeling Assumptions
1380Uncertainty of Reconstructing Multiple Messages from Uniform-Tandem-Duplication Noise
1856Universal Communication Efficient Quantum Threshold Secret Sharing Schemes
1142Universal superposition codes: capacity regions of compound quantum broadcast channel with confidential messages
1620Unsourced Multiuser Sparse Regression Codes achieve the Symmetric MAC Capacity
1706Update Aware Device Scheduling for Federated Learning at the Wireless Edge
1167Uplink Cost Adjustable Schemes in Secure Distributed Matrix Multiplication
1457Upper Bound Scalability on Achievable Rates of Batched Codes for Line Networks
1685Usable deviation bounds for the information content of convex measures
1105Variable-Length Source Dispersions Differ under Maximum and Average Error Criteria
1691Weakly Private Information Retrieval under the Maximal Leakage Metric
1022Weak-Noise Modulation-Estimation of Vector Parameters
1596Weight Distributions of q-ary Optimal Locally Repairable Codes with Locality 2, Distance 5 and Even Dimension
1327Weight Enumerators for Number-Theoretic Codes and Cardinalities of Non-binary VT Codes
1190What is the Value of Data? on Mathematical Methods for Data Quality Estimation
1575When does Partial Noisy Feedback Enlarge the Capacity of a Gaussian Broadcast Channel?
1460When does the Tukey Median work?
1768Wireless Federated Learning with Local Differential Privacy
1328Zero-Error Coding with a Generator Set of Variable-Length Words

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2021 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory

11-16 July 2021 | Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

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