Technical Program

Paper Detail

Paper IDQ.4.2
Paper Title Quantum Blahut-Arimoto Algorithms
Authors Navneeth Ramakrishnan, Imperial College London, United Kingdom; Raban Iten, ETH Zurich, Switzerland; Volkher Scholz, Ghent University, Belgium; Mario Berta, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Session Q.4: Quantum Information Theory
Presentation Lecture
Track Quantum Systems, Codes, and Information
Manuscript  Click here to download the manuscript
Virtual Presentation  Click here to watch in the Virtual Symposium
Abstract We generalize alternating optimization algorithms of Blahut-Arimoto type to the quantum setting. In particular, we give iterative algorithms to compute the mutual information of quantum channels, the thermodynamic capacity of quantum channels, the coherent information of less noisy quantum channels, and the Holevo quantity of classical-quantum channels. Our convergence analysis is based on quantum entropy inequalities and leads to a priori additive eps-approximations after O(eps^(-1)*log N) iterations, where N denotes the input dimension of the channel. We complement our analysis with an a posteriori stopping criterion which allows us to terminate the algorithm after significantly fewer iterations compared to the a priori criterion in numerical examples. Finally, we discuss heuristics to accelerate the convergence.

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2021 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory

11-16 July 2021 | Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

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