Technical Program

P.1: Covert Communications

Session Type: Lecture
Track: Cryptography, Security and Privacy
Virtual Session: View on Virtual Platform
Session Chair: Eduard Jorswieck, Technische Universität Braunschweig
P.1.1: Mobility-Assisted Covert Communication over Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
 Click here to download the manuscript
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         Hyeon-Seong Im; Pohang University of Science and Technology
         Si-Hyeon Lee; Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
P.1.2: Treating Interference as Noise is Optimal for Covert Communication over Interference Channels
 Click here to download the manuscript
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         Kang-Hee Cho; Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
         Si-Hyeon Lee; Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
P.1.3: Stealth Communication with Vanishing Power over Binary Symmetric Channels
 Click here to download the manuscript
 Click here to view the Virtual Presentation
         Diego Lentner; Technical University of Munich
         Gerhard Kramer; Technical University of Munich
P.1.4: Covert MIMO Communications under Variational Distance Constraint
 Click here to download the manuscript
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         Shi-Yuan Wang; Georgia Institute of Technology
         Matthieu R. Bloch; Georgia Institute of Technology
P.1.5: Keyless Covert Communication in the Presence of Channel State Information
 Click here to download the manuscript
 Click here to view the Virtual Presentation
         Hassan ZivariFard; University of Texas at Dallas
         Matthieu Bloch; Georgia Institute of Technology
         Aria Nosratinia; University of Texas at Dallas
P.1.6: Active Covert Sensing
 Click here to download the manuscript
 Click here to view the Virtual Presentation
         Mehrdad Tahmasbi; Georgia Institute of Technology
         Matthieu Bloch; Georgia Institute of Technology

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2021 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory

11-16 July 2021 | Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

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