Technical Program

T.4: Sequences

Session Type: Lecture
Track: Topics in Information Theory
Virtual Session: View on Virtual Platform
Session Chair: Arya Mazumdar, University of Massachusetts Amherst
T.4.1: Efficient Algorithm for the Linear Complexity of Sequences and Some Related Consequences
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         Yeow Meng Chee; National University of Singapore
         Johan Chrisnata; Nanyang Technological University
         Tuvi Etzion; Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
         Han Mao Kiah; Nanyang Technological University
T.4.2: Duplication with transposition distance to the root for q-ary strings
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         Nikita Polyanskii; Technical University of Munich
         Ilya Vorobyev; Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology
T.4.3: The Numbers of De Bruijn Sequences in Extremal Weight Classes
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         Ming Li; State Key Laboratory of Information Security, Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences
         Yupeng Jiang; State Key Laboratory of Information Security, Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences
         Dongdai Lin; State Key Laboratory of Information Security, Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences
T.4.4: On the 2-Adic Complexity of A Class of Binary Sequences of Period 4p with Optimal Autocorrelation Magnitude
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         Minghui Yang; Chinese Academy of Sciences,Institute of Information Engineering
         Lulu Zhang; Chinese Academy of Sciences,Institute of Information Engineering
         Keqin Feng; Tsinghua University
T.4.5: New Optimal Sets of Perfect Polyphase Sequences Based on Circular Florentine Arrays
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         Dan Zhang; University of Bergen
         Tor Helleseth; University of Bergen
T.4.6: Cross Z-Complementary Pairs (CZCPs) for Optimal Training in Broadband Spatial Modulation Systems
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         Zilong Liu; University of Essex
         Ping Yang; University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
         Yong Liang Guan; Nanyang Technological University
         Pei Xiao; University of Surrey
T.4.7: Constructions of Two-Dimensional Golay Complementary Array Pairs Based on Generalized Boolean Functions
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         Cheng-Yu Pai; National Cheng Kung University
         Chao-Yu Chen; National Cheng Kung University

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2021 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory

11-16 July 2021 | Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

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